Basics on IEP or 504 meeting for parents with ADHD Child.
After a child is found eligible for special education and related services, a meeting must be held to develop the IEP. An IEP or a Section 504 meeting can be intimidating. Each school district handles things differently, but usually teachers, principal, school psychologist, guidance counselors, special education teachers, school nurse, and others directly affected by the IEP or Section 504 will attend.
For an IEP, parents are required by law to be present; they are an important part of the team. For a Section 504, parents are encouraged to be involved, but it is not mandatory for them to attend. Your child, if old enough, is also encouraged to attend the meetings. You can bring an education advocate or a friend to provide moral support and take careful notes. Remember that you as the parent are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your child’s life. You will need to establish trust, respect, partnership and a positive relationship with everyone involved.
The goal for an IEP or a 504 meeting is for the parent and school to agree on accommodations and to prepare and sign the IEP or 504 Plan documents, although things don’t always work out that way. The team in the room will suggest accommodations that they think will work best for your child. You should bring in a written list of accommodations that you have researched.
Remember that the school’s list of accommodations are ones that they have given to other students, that have worked before, and that they feel might work with your child. But you know your child better than anyone else. Therefore, you should discuss with the team the accommodations you have noted. If those are agreed to by the school, that’s great. If not, it’s a conversation to be had.
You might want an advocate if you and the school aren’t making progress on a list of accommodations you can agree on, or you feel intimidated by the school and want someone in the meeting who is “on your side.”
You will need to do your Homework and review all local governing documents and understand what can and cannot be done. The more knowledge you have when attending an IEP or a 504 meeting, the more positive and beneficial the results will be.
Remember at the end of the day, this meeting is about a child that needs support and structure that will promote exceptional growth, success, happiness and prosperity.
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