Children, Devices, Apps & Parents
We would like to give the world to our kids and these days it seems normal for young children to have access to tablets and smartphones. Some even have their own! We allow access to games, videos, entertainment, or music. But without proper guidance and strategic monitoring we have also provided them with access to violent images, porn, inappropriate content and much more.
Safe Internet use begins with the education we provide to our kids regarding safe behavioral and habitual practices while online and age appropriate restrictions that should be in place by the parents with proper monitoring.
A shift is needed in the child’s view of these devices to encourage usage for research, recreation, homework while limiting the time on other subjects.
Have an ongoing conversation with your kid about how to behave safely on the internet even without your control and with an understanding that safety matters. Protecting our kids without invading their privacy and kids’ ability to learn and develop their independence is a fine line that parents walk on all the time. As parents we need to keep ourselves educated and supportive.
Struggling with content filtering, screen time limits, call & text monitoring, site & app blocking, location tracking, contact blocking and social networking supervision are just some of what parent’s face as our technologies develop at a rapid pace.
We can find apps and programs on IOS & Android and other platforms that will assist and prevent your child from accidentally or purposely accessing dangerous or age-inappropriate content. Not only these apps and programs will specify the length of time a child can spend using their device, parents can also place a time restriction on a specific app and program category.
By installing an app onto the parent’s and child device, a parent can set parameters and monitor the child’s activities remotely while the child’s app will enforce the parent’s rules.
Some features difference exists among the platforms that parents should be aware of to ensure the tools you (the parent) want will operate on your child’s device. Although iOS devices offer its users screen time controls that can be utilized by parents to set limits on apps, choose apps that you will always allowed, block inappropriate material without any need to purchase additional apps.
Although features may vary from platform to platform, be sure the tools you want will work on your child’s device. iOS devices have certain built-in developer and security restrictions that sometimes limit a program’s functionality or override app restrictions. iOS 12 offers many native screen-time controls that allow parents to schedule “Downtime” when apps can’t be used, set time limits for apps, choose apps that are always allowed, and block inappropriate content – all without the need for any additional program.
All of that being said; the children with ADHD struggle with impulse-control and time-management problems the technology in your child’s hand and on their wish-list is powerful, fascinating, rewarding and entertaining devise that can be terrifying for parents.
But be sure to employ age appropriate tools these devices offer to assist with the shortcomings of ADHD. Parallel to the conversation with your child about safe online presence, teach and encourage your child to make use of apps and other convinces that are offered.
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